miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Is real or only publicity?

Two centuries had passed and there is much history on Chile’s shoulders. This country had all kind of histories: sad, happy, successes, failures, disappointments, etc. All these events have forged a Chilean identity which raises and is seen by the world, and more so in the last decades. The world can’t be blind to the growing relevance of this long and narrow country. Something happened on this country, something made a change on the Chilean people, because is possible to feel the nationalism beats strong and hard.
Was the earthquake? Was the sports succeeds? Was the miners? Or is it only a publicity trick?

We have grown, there isn’t a doubt about that, but it has been a complicated growth. We haven’t follow a straight line, we had ups and downs. If we see Chile as a person, a human been conformed by millions of people with a common sentiment -as “meet dave” movie, but not so literal- it is not difficult imagine how that people loves their country.

The publicity can wash our brains, and believe me, the TV (and others medias) do that. But, if that were absolute, we not just copy the world, we would like them too. Today, there are less people who dedicate the “prisioneros” song (“¿Porqué no se van?”) in fact, the national turism have increased the last decades.

There is something more powerful than that. Facts and actions with national relevance don’t pass unnoticed to the people and have a profound impact on their minds. That’s the reason to explain the old and new Chile. Later, in comparison with the world, Chile have been experimenting a liberation and development process in too many ambits as artistic expressions, sex, politics, science, etc.

In summary, clearly, the bicentennial Chile have another perspective about and to the world due to the 180° spins along its history, spins that today, for example, positioned us as one of the most trusted economies. Also, Chileans stands at the same high than people of industrialized countries, proud to be part of this land by the own history, away from publicity.

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

Films...part of some lifes

I like all film’s kind, some more than others, but I think I have a least one favorite movie by genre. All of us have been touch by a film. There are films that remember us: good and bad situations, friends, actual or past girlfriends, etc.

The seventh art, from its creation has impressed to the audience, causing different kinds of feelings. I have lived the same experience, from child I have been a fan of the movies, I usually saw Disney’s movies over and over again. Now, for time, I can’t see the number of movies as I want, so I lost the opportunity to see many good movies in the cinema (the best place to see a movie).

Maybe is a little expensive, but the cinema is the better place to see a movie. The own house is the more comfortable place to see a film, you can laugh to loud, stop it whenever you need, shout to the actor or character without someone who replies you “shhhh!”. However, in the cinema we can have an excellent video-audio system and precise luminosity. But, if you have a cinema at home, that is the best place.

I want to dedicate my last words to distinguish the development of the Chilean cinema industry. With major monetary contribution and sponsorships of privates, new technics and technologies have entered to our country (with all the influence that it includes). But, the really important thing is the keeping of the Chilean identity on the movies.

See you!

Sleep and learn... a good dream

The actual times don’t make us possible to do all things that we want, so anything that makes us save money is welcome. A urban myth says that you can learn while you sleep, but is it real?. “Understanding the brain: the birth of a new learning science” by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development dedicates a chapter to dispel “neuromyths”.

One of the first researches in this ambit was carried out by Kulikov on 1968. He narrated Tolstoy histories to subjects sleeping normally. The investigation shows not difference between the memorization of sleep and awake subjects when instructions are added to the story. This studies (and others conduced in Russia and Eastern Europe) were the basis to the wide use of this, apparently, new technic of learning. Despite the results, without compromising the seriousness of the studies, it had some faults. First, the experiment were done once subject fall asleep or in the early hours, so the situation could be different if it had considered deep sleep phase; and second, the scientist used the concept “sensitive”, but they didn’t specify what really meant.

Due to poor evidence, later investigations were made in anesthetize patients, where again the results were positive. But this time, the big problem and questioning was that those were not asleep.

I think the myth have some of true. Any subject shows a real memorization of things heard when they are asleep or anesthetize, but there are evidence to claims some influence on the organism. So, maybe hear books are not useful, but relaxation programs could be a great help to stressed or sick people, for example.

domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

Work and explosions

System speed forces us to run faster than it and gradually our body is affected. Our organism (like other living beings) is prepared to respond to the environment. But when this stimulus is excessive and sustained, these are adaptive-type responds. These stress reactions include angry, depression and anxiety.

In the anxiety, (the commonest clinical manifestation) is possible distinguish three levels of symptoms. In the subjective-cognitive level, we can find worry, insecurity, fear of loss of control or that other are aware of our difficulties, trouble deciding, negative thoughts about oneself and poor concentration. Then, at physiological level, the effects are widespread: sweating, muscle tension, palpitations and tachycardia, trembling, stomachache, nausea, headache. Finally, at motor level, common alterations are: stutter, tics, cry or smoke, drink or eat in excess.

It is a reality and probably, someday one of us will have stress. But, there are precautions and advices that we can take and those covers all areas of daily living.

Eat and work is a bad combination, mealtimes must to be rest or family times. Sometimes we have a lot of job and the time that we could assign to do our tasks are not sufficient and we eating and working at the same time, causing inconvenience to short and long time.

Take a time!... for you, family or friends. Do your task is good, but that your life a work, it’s not so good. Do exercise; take your car and getaway to your favorite place. Organize you. Relax and relax people (but don’t fall sleep, you must live).

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

Healthy behavior...healthy life

The other day walking hungry for the streets I saw many offers, but none of those convinced me, because I was looking for healthy food, something like home-made food. there are places where you can find it, but there are in specific places difficult find. Today is easy fall in risk factors because there are around us, tempting us. I think that a healthy lifestyle is determinated by the diet, physical activity and the way of looking at life.

Have an healthy life it isn't necessary be a professional sportmen (o sportwoman) or eat lettuce everyday. Unless it is required.

We can eat potato chips, candies, hot dogs, etc of ñams ñams. but is important eat that food in less amount weekly or monthly. Because those are risk factors of obesity, cardiovascular accidents and diabetes. Although are delicious, it is best stay away from them.

The clothes are important too. “happy colors” makes happy people. I think clothes represent feelings and people’s mood, so they must wear comfortable and bright colors. So, it’s a good idea throw away black clothes.

Smile, smile and smile. Be positive about problems. no matter the problem, no matter the size of the problem. Laugh a lot for everything (obviously be respectful if that affect to somebody). That point of view it’s a good way to have a healthy life style, this aspect is not the essential, but it is a good start.

There other ways, some are personals. But the important thing is to feel good about yourself.


jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

Beach now please!

Hi again, today I’ll talk to you about my favorite get-away. When I have to travel to some place, I don’t have a favorite destination, because I like go to different places and know all that I can. but, when I talk of escape from Santiago the most of the time I go to Cartagena, where my grandmother’s house. I like go there because it is near of Santiago (one hour and a half of my house) and there I have many beach to choose, like El Quisco, Algarrobo, El Tabo y las Cruces. The least is my favorite wave to do bodyboarding, so I usually visit that beach.

My grandmother’s house it´s a good place to relax, because in winter or summer is very quiet. But, it has the problem that is too quiet and relaxing in winter, so to go with friend or alone, is a little boring if you don’t enjoy of play in the beach. Well, always it is possible do something to amuse a lot.

I only like that place for the nearing with Santiago, but really, there are few places to interesting to visit and could be a little routine and It’s not a place to pass your vacations.

This weekend I’ll go to there for my September holiday, and I will do things that I never o only sometimes can’t do in Santiago.

See you the next time

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

Music and me... coming back

Music is very important in my life, because it brings to my mind so many memories of my past, such as people or places.

I love to listen rock music because i think it helps me to relax and represent my feelings, and also because y can feel free singing and dancing them anytime, anywhere.

My father was the one that introduce this type of music in my life, he has always been a great fan of it, and since i was little I felt awesome sharing and rocking with him.

Recently a friend of mine introduce me a type of music i didn't know much, it's called R&B, and nowadays i enjoy listening to it, especially when i wanna relax or study because of its beat, its rythm and the singers voice, such as usher, ne-yo or rihanna.

When im sad i like to listen to jamiroquai or lenny kravitz, they are great singers and i really enjoy their songs and lyrics, sometimes they really make my day!

I'd like to tell you that i love music and i feel it's part of my life, and it'll always be, it represent my feelings, my thoughts, sometimes turn me on in parties, or just help me to relax and have a nice trip to home in the metro. Hope you enjoy and listen to my music, see ya next week!

miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

Final and pass to another stage! (maybe)

At one month of finish the semester some courses comes to the end. Final exams are soon to come (and the nerves too). But, today I don’t like talk you about stress and all that tense ambient of the last days.
I want to write about my pre-intermediate English class, specifically of my blogging experience.

I liked the experience of practice my English trough blog platform, because it permits think in English about different areas of the professional and colloquial communication. That is good, because in the future we will talk with all kind of persons. Also, write about our likes is a entertaining way of improve.

Personally I improve my English taking aware about my redaction, vocabulary and orthography fault and correct it. Even though that personal work and reflexion, I think that is necessary the feedback from someone expert in the English speaking, because there are aspects that the students could not manage and the blogging experience couldn’t be as profitable as it should be.
So, for future class I think that it should be the instances for check all fault, maybe dedicating especial days or class time to do this, like at the start of the experience class and thus undoing mistakes in the next next. Being fair, this is a student’s problem too because the teacher maybe can’t cope with a big number of students or at least is very difficult check the blog of two classes without abandon another tasks. So, it’s important the personal motivation of the student, who have to ask when have a doubt.
I think this course is good oriented, because is very functional and look for all aspects of the communication. But, the are details as above it could improve.
Best wishes, I see you.

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

The job of my dreams

There are many areas in my career where choose and for to be a good physical therapy is necessary choose and specialize in one of them. As a child, I been attached to sports so I think that will be my future work area.
I hope know a lot of sports science and maybe discover new limits for the human body and upgrade sports marks and rehab times (and quality obviously) and for that I know that I have to study a lot.
I really love my country, because of many reasons. But if I have those goals, for now, Chile doesn’t have the technology or opportunities to develop what I want and Live of that. So, maybe (or maybe not) in seven years I will have to migrate to another countries like Brazil (perhaps the nearest), USA or any of Europe.
Anyway, my ideal job has to offer me the possibility of travel occasionally and perfect my knowledge. Also it has to have a good work environment. I don’t talking about laughter and jokes every time, but I want a serious and respect environment for don’t have problems with anybody (or avoid that). My ideal job have to give me time to share with my family. Maybe these are many requirements for a job and could be too difficult to find something like that. But I think I can work and study for obtain my aims or almost of that.
That is my ideal job, but maybe in seven years I’ll change of opinion about that I want and I finished having a restaurant, having my own research center or health center , why not?

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Importance of Prevention

Many diseases are avoidable and unfortunately are caused by ignorance. Also of people health the absence of prevention in the society have many effects in the economy, health quality, life expectancy, etc. By the above the functions of the health specialists in the prevention subject are very important. Despite the necessity to promote the prevention in the population, this is a complex task because we must consider too many aspects according to age, likes and social stratum, for example.

There are many intervention areas and must be elected the best way. I like the sports area because is closer to my likes. In this area is important considerate not only the sportsman or sportswoman, because the training ambient, relation with partners, technic, nutrition in resume all the environment of her/him are important too.

I think the physical therapist could have an important labor in the performance of workers. Lesions or bad postures could reduce the performance and profits. In this area, ergonomics is the principal actor and source of knowledge, because its objective is to observe and identify the interaction between the factors before mentioned.

But the job of the health specialists isn’t restricted at the specific labor of prevent bad conditions in the environment; also can join in the emotional state of the people. Nowadays, medical advances allow to improve people’s condition, and we, as physical therapist, have the responsibility for giving our knowledge to the population.

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

Stereotype thing

In the past the men and women roles was very different that today. If before that was the situation, now iron the clothes, for example, is not only work of the woman and the man have to learn iron his clothes.
The times are clearly changed and that have been converted the society. The distance are very shorts, I mean, the distance are the same but all is more speedy and that is reflected in the relationships or responsibilities.
I think that situation is good because in a world that advance to big velocity the roles must be shared, because it isn't enough time to do all the works of the day.
Maybe the stereotypes are not bad than usually are considerate. I think that the stereotypes give us identification like a person and that could define the way that we participate in the society. There are roles that are established for years and years like the care of the babies or children by the women must be maintained because scientifically and socially the women have the enviable ability of do better.
Many courses career have a marked stereotype. But I think in my career don’t happens, because male and female physical therapist are in the same way considerate and the stereotype depend more of the individual experience than social voice.

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

My favourite food

I love too many foods actually. But obviously I have some favourites than others, for example, the barbecue with salads. There are many places where you can go out and eat this delicious dish. Recently my family and I went to eat to “Chilenazo”, a restaurant located in Vicuña mackena, La Florida municipality.

There are some foods that now I can’t see. The eggs with tomatoes for example, before I really liked, but some day I felt sick and guilty, because late of ate that I ate cake too. Well I think that was the really guilty of my sickness and I couldn’t go out that night.

Evidently food is really important in the development and performance of any person. Personally I don’t dissociate that relation, when I have sports activities, I prefer pasta or rice and salad.

Junk food sometimes could be a fast solution, but also are a fat solution. Candies and sweet food are delicious and sometimes addictive ( chocolate, for example).

The best diet must count with all types of food. Mainly is important eat ceral and vegetables. Drink milk and moderate consumption of meat and saturate fats. And avoid sugar and foods like that.

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

I think my career was made for me because at the moment I haven’t lived the experience of others students from another career when they say “I don’t know why I have to study this, if I won’t use it in the future”.

In my view the physical therapist have to love their career because is necessary to much patience, the treatments could be of months. The physical therapist must be an always updated professional because the science is an always updated area too, is a big responsibility the health and confidence of the patient.

I hope someday contribute to the health and science of my country. In the health area I want make happy hearts and give new opportunities. In the area of science I want make new discoveries like revolutionary technics on sports.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

My favourite site in physical therapy is “Kinesiologia & Salud”. There are many webs where we can find information about health area and download books, but I always choose this web, because it is more focused about physical therapy topics.
In general university students always have to charge heavy books and this make difficult move many at once. I like the web because give me the option of download many books, so I can have books in my PC instead of have stacks and stacks.

The web has a download section where we can find not only about science books, we can find papers, tutorials, summaries, etc.

Also there are a links sections with pages for more downloading, health innovation news, training blogs, physical therapy news, magazines, videos and sports therapies related.

I like the webpage because reunite me all the information what I need and save me of go page in page and often don’t find anything, or anything useful. Also (apart of the publicity) the web is, in general, tidy and clean. Well, the web is not perfect, because there are some broken links.


miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

Hobbies and Life

I love sports. I practice sport since I'm 5, the sports has been an important part of my life, reason for why are my favorite hobby. My family always has inculcated us (my brother and me) the habits for practice sports and healty leaving and we just love it. I started practicing Fútbol (I like it this way, for the latin identity) in my mother company team. Also I practice athletics (speed running and long jumpping), bobyboarding, basquetball, handball, voleyball, skateboarding, etc. But now I only practicing Fútbol, bodyboarding and skateboarding.

The reason for why I like almost all sport, is because all have some apect to offer. For example, the bodyboarding gives me the fell of liberty and really contact with the nature. Ride a wave (doesn't matter the high and strength) or to float in the sea makes forget any problem.

Fútbol is the pasions sport (fanatics can understand me). It could be a improvised match or a championship and the effect is the same, I always play it whith dedication, tenacity and perseverance. This is an important aspect of the sport because, all aspects of life (I think) we must take it in that way.

Other aspect of sport are the friend. I have known too many people, good teammates and spotsmen, lovers of the nature; begginers and experienced people. I learned much from this people and may they learned something from me.

Sport are more than only hobbies, are a reflection of my way of life.
I see you in some field or beach.

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010


The day of the earthquake I was in the dinner room with my family taking a tea (yes, very late for a tea) because we (my family and me) had to went for my brother who was in a party. That night we were lucky, because at 3 am we was went for a drive to Cajon del Maipo and we decided come back house.
At the earthquake time, I had the job of opened the door and I got really nervous because I could not find my keys. Finally I could open the door and we felt safe.
The experience (for me) was not shocking like could be for other people because wasn’t any damage in my house or family, but some buddies who were in the beach or south of the country had problems and I worry too much about them.
I helped affected people through “Chile ayuda a Chile” TV program.
I learned to be ready for emergencies

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

Introducing myself

Hi there,
This is my first post for the pre-intermediate English class. My name is Nicolas Yañez Villavicencio someone of you already knows me and who don’t I hope meet you soon. I am a physical therapy student. I love listen music (rock) and practice sports, in fact my blogs name it's about a bodyboarding trick :). I always wants to have a blog where put my ideas, but I never give me the time of create one xD so this is my oportunty of acquire the custom.
see you soon, bye