viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

Healthy behavior...healthy life

The other day walking hungry for the streets I saw many offers, but none of those convinced me, because I was looking for healthy food, something like home-made food. there are places where you can find it, but there are in specific places difficult find. Today is easy fall in risk factors because there are around us, tempting us. I think that a healthy lifestyle is determinated by the diet, physical activity and the way of looking at life.

Have an healthy life it isn't necessary be a professional sportmen (o sportwoman) or eat lettuce everyday. Unless it is required.

We can eat potato chips, candies, hot dogs, etc of ñams ñams. but is important eat that food in less amount weekly or monthly. Because those are risk factors of obesity, cardiovascular accidents and diabetes. Although are delicious, it is best stay away from them.

The clothes are important too. “happy colors” makes happy people. I think clothes represent feelings and people’s mood, so they must wear comfortable and bright colors. So, it’s a good idea throw away black clothes.

Smile, smile and smile. Be positive about problems. no matter the problem, no matter the size of the problem. Laugh a lot for everything (obviously be respectful if that affect to somebody). That point of view it’s a good way to have a healthy life style, this aspect is not the essential, but it is a good start.

There other ways, some are personals. But the important thing is to feel good about yourself.


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