miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

Final and pass to another stage! (maybe)

At one month of finish the semester some courses comes to the end. Final exams are soon to come (and the nerves too). But, today I don’t like talk you about stress and all that tense ambient of the last days.
I want to write about my pre-intermediate English class, specifically of my blogging experience.

I liked the experience of practice my English trough blog platform, because it permits think in English about different areas of the professional and colloquial communication. That is good, because in the future we will talk with all kind of persons. Also, write about our likes is a entertaining way of improve.

Personally I improve my English taking aware about my redaction, vocabulary and orthography fault and correct it. Even though that personal work and reflexion, I think that is necessary the feedback from someone expert in the English speaking, because there are aspects that the students could not manage and the blogging experience couldn’t be as profitable as it should be.
So, for future class I think that it should be the instances for check all fault, maybe dedicating especial days or class time to do this, like at the start of the experience class and thus undoing mistakes in the next next. Being fair, this is a student’s problem too because the teacher maybe can’t cope with a big number of students or at least is very difficult check the blog of two classes without abandon another tasks. So, it’s important the personal motivation of the student, who have to ask when have a doubt.
I think this course is good oriented, because is very functional and look for all aspects of the communication. But, the are details as above it could improve.
Best wishes, I see you.

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

The job of my dreams

There are many areas in my career where choose and for to be a good physical therapy is necessary choose and specialize in one of them. As a child, I been attached to sports so I think that will be my future work area.
I hope know a lot of sports science and maybe discover new limits for the human body and upgrade sports marks and rehab times (and quality obviously) and for that I know that I have to study a lot.
I really love my country, because of many reasons. But if I have those goals, for now, Chile doesn’t have the technology or opportunities to develop what I want and Live of that. So, maybe (or maybe not) in seven years I will have to migrate to another countries like Brazil (perhaps the nearest), USA or any of Europe.
Anyway, my ideal job has to offer me the possibility of travel occasionally and perfect my knowledge. Also it has to have a good work environment. I don’t talking about laughter and jokes every time, but I want a serious and respect environment for don’t have problems with anybody (or avoid that). My ideal job have to give me time to share with my family. Maybe these are many requirements for a job and could be too difficult to find something like that. But I think I can work and study for obtain my aims or almost of that.
That is my ideal job, but maybe in seven years I’ll change of opinion about that I want and I finished having a restaurant, having my own research center or health center , why not?

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Importance of Prevention

Many diseases are avoidable and unfortunately are caused by ignorance. Also of people health the absence of prevention in the society have many effects in the economy, health quality, life expectancy, etc. By the above the functions of the health specialists in the prevention subject are very important. Despite the necessity to promote the prevention in the population, this is a complex task because we must consider too many aspects according to age, likes and social stratum, for example.

There are many intervention areas and must be elected the best way. I like the sports area because is closer to my likes. In this area is important considerate not only the sportsman or sportswoman, because the training ambient, relation with partners, technic, nutrition in resume all the environment of her/him are important too.

I think the physical therapist could have an important labor in the performance of workers. Lesions or bad postures could reduce the performance and profits. In this area, ergonomics is the principal actor and source of knowledge, because its objective is to observe and identify the interaction between the factors before mentioned.

But the job of the health specialists isn’t restricted at the specific labor of prevent bad conditions in the environment; also can join in the emotional state of the people. Nowadays, medical advances allow to improve people’s condition, and we, as physical therapist, have the responsibility for giving our knowledge to the population.

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

Stereotype thing

In the past the men and women roles was very different that today. If before that was the situation, now iron the clothes, for example, is not only work of the woman and the man have to learn iron his clothes.
The times are clearly changed and that have been converted the society. The distance are very shorts, I mean, the distance are the same but all is more speedy and that is reflected in the relationships or responsibilities.
I think that situation is good because in a world that advance to big velocity the roles must be shared, because it isn't enough time to do all the works of the day.
Maybe the stereotypes are not bad than usually are considerate. I think that the stereotypes give us identification like a person and that could define the way that we participate in the society. There are roles that are established for years and years like the care of the babies or children by the women must be maintained because scientifically and socially the women have the enviable ability of do better.
Many courses career have a marked stereotype. But I think in my career don’t happens, because male and female physical therapist are in the same way considerate and the stereotype depend more of the individual experience than social voice.