miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Is real or only publicity?

Two centuries had passed and there is much history on Chile’s shoulders. This country had all kind of histories: sad, happy, successes, failures, disappointments, etc. All these events have forged a Chilean identity which raises and is seen by the world, and more so in the last decades. The world can’t be blind to the growing relevance of this long and narrow country. Something happened on this country, something made a change on the Chilean people, because is possible to feel the nationalism beats strong and hard.
Was the earthquake? Was the sports succeeds? Was the miners? Or is it only a publicity trick?

We have grown, there isn’t a doubt about that, but it has been a complicated growth. We haven’t follow a straight line, we had ups and downs. If we see Chile as a person, a human been conformed by millions of people with a common sentiment -as “meet dave” movie, but not so literal- it is not difficult imagine how that people loves their country.

The publicity can wash our brains, and believe me, the TV (and others medias) do that. But, if that were absolute, we not just copy the world, we would like them too. Today, there are less people who dedicate the “prisioneros” song (“¿Porqué no se van?”) in fact, the national turism have increased the last decades.

There is something more powerful than that. Facts and actions with national relevance don’t pass unnoticed to the people and have a profound impact on their minds. That’s the reason to explain the old and new Chile. Later, in comparison with the world, Chile have been experimenting a liberation and development process in too many ambits as artistic expressions, sex, politics, science, etc.

In summary, clearly, the bicentennial Chile have another perspective about and to the world due to the 180° spins along its history, spins that today, for example, positioned us as one of the most trusted economies. Also, Chileans stands at the same high than people of industrialized countries, proud to be part of this land by the own history, away from publicity.

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

Films...part of some lifes

I like all film’s kind, some more than others, but I think I have a least one favorite movie by genre. All of us have been touch by a film. There are films that remember us: good and bad situations, friends, actual or past girlfriends, etc.

The seventh art, from its creation has impressed to the audience, causing different kinds of feelings. I have lived the same experience, from child I have been a fan of the movies, I usually saw Disney’s movies over and over again. Now, for time, I can’t see the number of movies as I want, so I lost the opportunity to see many good movies in the cinema (the best place to see a movie).

Maybe is a little expensive, but the cinema is the better place to see a movie. The own house is the more comfortable place to see a film, you can laugh to loud, stop it whenever you need, shout to the actor or character without someone who replies you “shhhh!”. However, in the cinema we can have an excellent video-audio system and precise luminosity. But, if you have a cinema at home, that is the best place.

I want to dedicate my last words to distinguish the development of the Chilean cinema industry. With major monetary contribution and sponsorships of privates, new technics and technologies have entered to our country (with all the influence that it includes). But, the really important thing is the keeping of the Chilean identity on the movies.

See you!

Sleep and learn... a good dream

The actual times don’t make us possible to do all things that we want, so anything that makes us save money is welcome. A urban myth says that you can learn while you sleep, but is it real?. “Understanding the brain: the birth of a new learning science” by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development dedicates a chapter to dispel “neuromyths”.

One of the first researches in this ambit was carried out by Kulikov on 1968. He narrated Tolstoy histories to subjects sleeping normally. The investigation shows not difference between the memorization of sleep and awake subjects when instructions are added to the story. This studies (and others conduced in Russia and Eastern Europe) were the basis to the wide use of this, apparently, new technic of learning. Despite the results, without compromising the seriousness of the studies, it had some faults. First, the experiment were done once subject fall asleep or in the early hours, so the situation could be different if it had considered deep sleep phase; and second, the scientist used the concept “sensitive”, but they didn’t specify what really meant.

Due to poor evidence, later investigations were made in anesthetize patients, where again the results were positive. But this time, the big problem and questioning was that those were not asleep.

I think the myth have some of true. Any subject shows a real memorization of things heard when they are asleep or anesthetize, but there are evidence to claims some influence on the organism. So, maybe hear books are not useful, but relaxation programs could be a great help to stressed or sick people, for example.